The story behind The Road to Respect Program

The Road to Respect Program is an initiative developed by Amy Kuruvilla. After being deeply impacted by the Delhi (Nirbhaya) rape case in 2012, she felt a burden to do something about it. Amy subsequently spent time researching the rape culture in India to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes. Amy recognises that education is a pivotal key in breaking the cycle of gender- based violence. She strongly believes that children who are well-rounded socially, emotionally and academically will not only lead to a reduction in gender-based violence, but will also help progress the nation of India. This is why she has developed The Road to Respect curriculum.

About The Road to Respect Program

The Road to Respect Program is a school program specifically tailored to the children in India. It includes illustrations, scenarios and examples that are culturally relevant, unlike the western programs.
The benefit

The benefit

Children will be able to connect better to the scenarios which will in turn improve learning outcomes & increase the efficacy of this program overall.

Children will not be taught the mindset that “west is best”. The Road to Respect believes that it is important for Indian children to embrace their culture & to shape healthy beliefs within their cultural framework.

Change The world

5-9 years

Core Themes & topics covered

Personal Strengths

I am Unique

Gender Stereotypes

Boys and girls can be the same and different

Emotional Literacy

Understanding my Emotions

Managing my Emotions


My voice Matters (NO, GO, TELL)

Respect Each other

5-9 years

Change The world

10-14 years

Core Themes & topics covered
10-14 years

Gender Stereotypes

Boys and girls can be the same and different

Emotional Literacy

Understanding my Emotions

Managing my emotions


Coping with stress


Respect Each Other

My voice Matters

Benefits of this program

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Teaching social and emotional learning programs

Students who participate in well-taught social and emotional learning programs have been proven to demonstrate more positive social behaviour, are less likely to engage in risky and disruptive behaviour, and show improved academic outcomes.

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Teaching effective coping strategies

Teaching students to develop effective coping strategies will help them to manage life’s stressors better & to develop good mental health and wellbeing. This in turn will improve their academic performance

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Teaching about personal strengths

Research in the field of psychology highlights the importance of identifying and using individual strengths. Programs that use strength-based approaches promote student wellbeing, positive behaviour and academic achievement.

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Teaching about gender stereotypes

Children make efforts to fit within gendered expectations by the time they are in kindergarten. As they learn about gender, they may also begin to enact sexist values, beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, it is important to start building positive gender relationships within these early years.

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